Last week I blogged on tropical storm superlatives for the Atlantic Basin. This week I follow up with the superlatives for hurricanes/typhoons in the Pacific Ocean. Being by far the largest body of water on earth, the Pacific holds most of these superlatives so far as tropical storms are concerned. A full 70% of all tropical storms form here, whether in the Eastern Pacific (normally off the western coast of Mexico) or in the Western Pacific and Southern Pacific Oceans. The only other active region in the world for tropical formation is the Indian Ocean and the Austral-Asian region in the southern hemisphere. Below are the records set in the Pacific, most of which, also happen to be world records.
weatherhistorian, • 4:45 AM GMT on September 29, 2011
The normal peak of tropical storm activity for both the Atlantic and Pacific Basins has just been reached this past week or so. Of course, many years bring their most powerful hurricanes or typhoons well after this ‘peak’ period and, in fact, some of the records for storm strength have occurred well into October. Below is a summary of some tropical storm ‘superlatives’ from the Atlantic Basin region. This includes the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico where the most intense hurricanes on record have formed. Next week I will cover the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas.
weatherhistorian, • 9:23 PM GMT on September 23, 2011
August was yet another busy month for global weather extremes. Highlights included record-busting heat and drought (again) in the south-central portions of the U.S.A. The climatological summer of June-August was the 2nd warmest since accurate measurements began in 1895. An intense heat wave also affected southern Europe in mid-month. Severe tropical storms lashed the eastern seaboard of the USA (Irene) and the Philippines and Japan. Torrential rains caused devastating flooding and landslides in Nigeria and Uganda. But the 2nd most important extreme weather story (2nd to the USA heat wave and drought) was the record cold wave and blizzard that hit New Zealand on August 15-16.
weatherhistorian, • 3:40 AM GMT on September 11, 2011
The final data has yet to be compiled by the NCDC but the climatological summer (June-August) of 2011 is on track to be one of the warmest, if not the warmest, on record for the contiguous United States. It has, however, without doubt been the warmest for the South Central and Southeast (excluding the Florida Peninsula) regions. Here is a factual list of all the major sites (meaning those with a long period of record and of some metropolitan significance) that have just endured their warmest summer and/or their hottest-single-month on record. A list of all-time absolute maximum temperatures recorded is also included.
weatherhistorian, • 5:33 AM GMT on September 05, 2011