The month of January is looking like it may be one of the top five warmest for the contiguous United States. Aside for one good arctic outbreak during the week of January 14-20 it has been a mild month with several Chinook wind events affecting Montana and other western mountain states. Here are some historical examples of the most intense Chinook events to have occurred in the U.S. and Canada.January 31: Scroll to bottom of blog for update on reported -79°F at Jim River.
weatherhistorian, • 8:20 PM GMT on January 27, 2012
The greatest snowstorm, and perhaps overall worst storm in SW Washington and NW Oregon history, was that dubbed the ‘Storm King’ event of January 9, 1880.
weatherhistorian, • 12:20 AM GMT on January 20, 2012
December was a relatively quiet month weather-wise in the United States but a wild one for much of Europe where three major Atlantic storms took a swipe at the region. Some of the month’s highlights include a devastating flood in the Philippines, the warmest temperature yet measured at the South Pole, record dryness in portions of California, and a near all-time record high temperature for Australia.Below is a summary some of the month’s highlights.
weatherhistorian, • 10:37 PM GMT on January 13, 2012
The past year saw some remarkable precipitation anomalies across the lower 48 states of the U.S. All-time wettest year on record was reported across a wide swath of the Ohio Valley and Northeast, while portions of Texas recorded their driest year on record. A few all-time state records for anomalous precipitation also occurred.
weatherhistorian, • 9:42 PM GMT on January 06, 2012